Statistics adds stamp of credibility to your research!

Statistics could be defined as the science of collecting, analyzing and getting inference from the data.

In general, statistics is used by researchers in many fields to organise, analyse, and summarise data. Once upon a time, it was limited in its usage as a useful branch of mathematics. However, later on, it expanded its utility for researchers also and is now being used by them for accessing right data.

These days, statistical methods and analysis are usually used to communicate research findings. Simultaneously, they are used to support hypotheses and for giving credibility to research methodology and conclusions.

Meanwhile, it is mandatory for researchers to understand statistics at length. This initiative will help them in staying well-informed to innovative trends; also, they will be able to evaluate the credibility of information, and thereafter can make appropriate decisions on the basis of the information.

Statistics in Action

The major objective of statistics is to help researchers in understanding and describing the phenomena in the world thereby helping them draw the reliable conclusions about such phenomena.


The following information can be used when planning and conducting research:

Step 1 Pose a Question: First pose the basic question to your research.

Step 2  Find out what to measure and how: In this step, one needs to assign numbers to indicate different values of variables.

Step 3  : Collecting Data: After you have decided what kind of data you need, you can determine if your data could be collected from existing sources/databases or else you need new information through other means. Here, the researcher should select and defend an appropriate method of data collection. A few methods include collecting Data/Sampling Error, Survey Design, The Survey System, Survey Monkey Design Software, Sample Size Formula and Calculator etc.

Step 4: Summarizing and Displaying Data: In this step, one generally uses measures of central tendency that indicate what is typical of the average subject. Similarly, there are Measures of Variance indicating the distribution of the data around the center. Another method, correlation, refers here to the degree to which two variables can move in sync with one another.

Step 5: Analyzing Data and Interpreting Results: This initiative helps in giving credibility to the hypothesis by supporting the fact with strong data.

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